Command Prompt Here (在此處開啟命令視窗)

REG ADD "HKLM\Software\Classes\Folder\Shell\Cmd Here\command" /f /t REG_SZ /ve /d "cmd.exe /k cd %1" REG ADD "HKLM\Software\Classes\Folder\Shell\Cmd Here\command" /f /t REG_SZ /ve /d "cmd.exe /k pushd %1" Note:以batch執行時,請將%1更改為%%1
Add Command Prompt Here Shortcut to Windows Explorer
Add Command prompt here to right-click menu in Windows XP

Driver Signing (驅動程式簽署)

Local $HLMPolicy = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing","Policy")
Local $HLMNPolicy = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Non-Driver Signing","Policy")
Local $HCUPolicy = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing","Policy")
Local $HCUBOFV = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Driver Signing","BehaviorOnFailedVerify")
Local $c=MsgBox(3,"Driver Signing","(HLM) Driver Signing: " & $HLMPolicy & @LF & "(HLM) Non-Driver Signing: " & $HLMNPolicy & @LF & "(HCU) Driver Signing: " & $HCUPolicy & @LF & "BehaviorOnFailedVerify: "& $HCUBOFV)
If $c = 6 Then
    RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing","Policy","REG_BINARY",Binary('0x' & '00'))
    RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Non-Driver Signing","Policy","REG_BINARY",Binary('0x' & '00'))
    RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing","Policy","REG_DWORD","00000000")
    RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Driver Signing","BehaviorOnFailedVerify","REG_DWORD","00000000")
ElseIf $c = 7 Then
    RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing","Policy")
    RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Non-Driver Signing","Policy")
    RegDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing","Policy")
    RegDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Driver Signing","BehaviorOnFailedVerify")

Driver signing registry values cannot be modified directly in Windows
需從“我的電腦 →內容 → 硬體 → 驅動程式簽署 → 略過”進行手動更改才有效
$title = "系統內容"
Run("control.exe sysdm.cpl")
ControlCommand($title, "", "SysTabControl321", "TabRight", "")
ControlCommand($title, "", "SysTabControl321", "TabRight", "")
ControlClick($title, "驅動程式簽署(&S)", "Button4")
ControlClick("驅動程式碼簽署選項", "略過 - 直接安裝軟體,不需要我的同意(&I)","Button1")
ControlClick("驅動程式碼簽署選項", "確定","Button5")
ControlClick($title, "確定", "Button8")

Aut2Exe (編譯au3為EXE執行檔)

"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Aut2Exe\Aut2Exe.exe" /in %1 /out "%~dpn1.exe" /comp 4 /unicode

S3 feature.xml


S3 Samsung Chinese IME

  1. Extract Stock Rom
  2. Save fileapp\SamsungChineseIME_HKTW_Phone.apk
  3. Save filelib\
  4. Copy into your SGS3 and permissions to 644.system\app\SamsungChineseIME_HKTW_Phone.apk
  5. Copy into your SGS3 and permissions to 644.system\lib\
  6. Reboot.

S3 Extract Stock Rom

  1. Download Stock Rom  (Region:BRI)
  2. Extract the firmware zip to get .tar or .tar.md5 file.
  3. Use sgs2toext4 to convert .img files to ext4.img.
  4. Use DiskInternals Linux Reader to mount ext4.img.
  5. Get anything what you want.