Send To Context Menu - Remove or Show Drives


Send To Context Menu - Remove or Show Drives - Vista Forums


Ctrl+Shift+E => 呼叫出panorama分頁群組
FireGestures執行按鍵指令 — Gist

event.initKeyEvent - Document Object Model (DOM) | MDN
Re: [-Fx-] FireGestures腳本問題 - 看板 Browsers - 批踢踢實業坊

Get 301 Moved Location

Processing HTTP 301 HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(links[i]);
myHttpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
HttpWebResponse myHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse();

Verify Http URI public static bool IsValidHttpUri(string uriString)
    Uri test = null;
    return Uri.TryCreate(uriString, UriKind.Absolute, out test) && test.Scheme == "http";

.net - Using WebClient in C# is there a way to get the URL of a site after being redirected? - Stack Overflow
c# - RegEx to detect syntactically correct URL - Stack Overflow


appledaily — Gist
[Bookmarklet] appledaily — Gist

S3 x 藍牙 x 桌機 x AirDroid

  1. Win7 和 S3 透過藍牙配對
  2. 開啟3G
  3. S3 → 設定 → 更多設定 → 數據連線與可攜式無線基地台 → 藍牙網路共享[打勾]
  4. 控制台 → 硬體和音效 → 裝置和印表機 → GT-I9300 → 連線 → 存取點
  5. 開心使用AirDroid


var entry=document.querySelector("div.entry-content");
entry.innerHTML=entry.innerHTML.replace(/(http:\/\/.*)<\/p>/g,"<a  style=\"color:blue; text-decoration:underline;\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"$1\">$1</a>");
NOTE:使用inline css是因為行內套用(Inline) > 嵌入套用(Embed) > 外部連接套用(External Link)